The Royal Astronomical Society is proud to present the next National Astronomy Meeting, NAM2023, to be hosted by The Cardiff Hub for Astrophysical Research and Technology (CHART) and the Gravity Exploration Institute (GEI), both part of the School of Physics and Astronomy at Cardiff University, from Monday 3rd July to Friday 7th July, 2023.
NAM2023 will strive to cover the full range of astronomy research in the UK and also on other issues relevant to the UK astronomy community. In addition to the normal format of sessions typical of previous NAM editions, this year's NAM will also have longer key sessions under the overarching theme of Origins. Beside the UK’s astronomy community, the meeting includes the UK Solar Physics (UKSP), and the Magnetosphere Ionosphere and Solar-Terrestrial (MIST) communities.
NAM2023 will be a hybrid conference. By using a hybrid model we hope to allow as many people as possible to experience the conference and learn about the exciting astronomy and space science research being conducted around the UK and further afield.
The organisers of NAM2023 have made sustainability a high priority, and thus will aim to minimise waste produced during the meeting and highly encourage delegates from the UK to use public transport when travelling to Cardiff.
This brings us to the end of NAM2023 - Origins!
It has been a great pleasure to see so many of you in Cardiff over the week (plus all those of you online!), in what turned up to be one of the (if not the) largest NAMs ever! It's been an amazing week, full of inspiring science and ongoing discussions taking place across all sectors. Remember that our online platform will still be up for a little while, and you can catch up on any talk or posters that you might have missed!
We'd also like to thank all of our LOC and the Cardiff Conference team for their hard work in organising and running this conference, the NAMbassadors for their tireless assistance throughout, the SOC for putting together such an exciting programme, and our NAM Community Engagement team for organising such an incredibly diverse set of activities that hopefully got our local community excited about astronomy! Thanks also to all our sponsors for supporting the conference, and the Royal Astronomical Society for their input and support.
And lastly, a big thank you to you all - exhibitors, session convenors, chairs, presenters and audience members - for participating in this conference and making it a success! See you in Hull for NAM2024!
All attendees are expected to show respect and courtesy to other attendees and staff, and to adhere to the NAM Code of Conduct.
© 2025 Royal Astronomical Society